Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Mythology Tales Of Gods And Heroes - 1672 Words
Mythology: Tales of Gods and Heroes Glossary: Important Gods (1) Zeus, also known as Jupiter. Brother to Poseidon and Hades. He is the supreme leader of the Gods and he is the Lord of the Sky, the Rain-God, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the incredible Thunderbolt. His power alone was greater than that of all the divinities combined. He once told his family â€Å"I am mightiest of all. Make trial that you may know. Fasten a rope of gold to heaven and lay hold, every God, and Goddess. You could not drag down Zeus. But if I wished to drag you down, then I would. The rope I would bind to a pinnacle of Olympus and all would hang in the air, yes, the very earth and the sea too.†(2) Poseidon, also known as Neptune. Brother to Zeus and†¦show more content†¦Each city had a public hearth sacred to Hestia, where the fire was never allowed to burn out. If a colony was to be found, the colonists carried with them coals from the heart of the mother city. (5) Hera or as the Romans knew her Juno. Hera was wife and sister to Zeus. It was a completely different time. Anyways, she was raised by Titans Ocean and Tethys. She was a protector of marriage. There is said to be the little attraction in her portraits drawn of her. In an early poem, she is called â€Å"Golden Throned Hera, among immortals the queen Chief among them in beauty, the glorious lady All the blessed in high Olympus revere, Honor even as Zeus, the lord of the thunder.†But on every account of her that gets on detail, it presents that she punished many of the women Zeus fell in love with. Even when the women were tricked, this made absolutely no difference to Hera. Not only did the women suffer but also their children. (6) Ares referred to by the Romans to be Mars. The God of War. Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is hateful throughout the Iliad poem. Occasionally heroes rejoice in Areas’ victories. However the other times Ares is escaping the brutality of the gods. Homer calls him â€Å"Murderous, bloodstained, the incarnate curse of mortals†And oddly enough he even calls him a coward. A coward in which, bellows with pain, and flees when wounded. In battle, he has a series of companions on the battlefield. His sisterShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology : Ancient Mythology1630 Words  | 7 PagesGreek mythology denotes to the myths of the early Greeks, Greece gods, and mythical creatures. While pertaining to these legends and myths i ncludes; to their Gods, the nature and heroes, tales of clashes, and of their adventures. It is also a brief on the origin and connotation of their cult, and the innumerable practices that remained shadowed by them. 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