Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Civil Rights Movement And The Movement Of The 1960s
The civil rights movement was a large and very popular movement that secured African Americans equal access and opened doors for the essential benefits and rights of U.S. citizenship. In spite of the fact that the foundations of the movement go back to the nineteenth century, it crested in the 1960s. African American men and ladies, alongside whites, sorted out and drove the movement at national and neighborhood levels. They sought after their objectives through lawful means, arrangements, petitions, and peaceful dissent exhibitions. The civil rights movement was the biggest social movement of the twentieth century in the United States. It affected the modern women s rights movement and the student movement of the 1960s. The civil rights†¦show more content†¦A primary target of supremacist groups was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Over the course of decades, the NAACP had filed a succession of court cases, including Brown, and had assumed the lead in the national struggle against segregated education. The oldest established national civil rights organization, the NAACP also played an important role at the local level; blacks across the South organized branches to combat discrimination in their communities. One of the first attempts to comply with the Brown decision came in Arkansas s capital city, Little Rock, in 1957. It was prompted in part by the work of the Arkansas NAACP and its president, Daisy Bates. When the local school board admitted nine black students to the city s previously all-white Central High School, white protests escalated into violence. As a result, President Dwight D. Eisenhower dispatched federal troops to protect the black students. Shortly after, the mother of the social liberties development, Rosa Parks empowered the battle for racial uniformity when she declined to surrender her transport seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. Parks capture on December 1, 1955 propelled the Montgomery Bus Boycott by 17,000 dark residents. A Supreme Court governing and declining incomes constrained the city to integrateShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement And The Movement Of The 1960s1310 Words  | 6 PagesThe civil rights movement was a well known movement in which the blacks are entitled to reach Civil Rights and are treated the same in all primary rights for U.S citizenship like possibility of employment, housing, education and right to vote. However, the beginnings of the movement go back to the 19th century, but it raised in the 1950s and 1960s. African American people, with accompany of particular numbers of whites, planned and led the movement at national and local levels. They followed theirRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The 1960s And 1960954 Words  | 4 Pagesovercome racial prejudice, truly we have come a long way from the civil rights moment. The history of the United States is a series of many current social changes that have occurred. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960’s was one of the most significant and important for the equality of all people. Because of the abolition of slavery in 1863, many continuous conflict between races of people that live in the United States, rights were violated on a consistent basis, mainly because of the colorRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The 1960s1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil Rights movement of the 1960s sought to end racial segregation and discrimination and give African American citizens better and equal legal rights. As a result of countless protests and civil rights parties pressing for their constitutional and civil rights day after day, the African American community was able to obtain many of the ideas they were striving for. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 restored and protected their voting rights, while the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned any d iscriminationRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s974 Words  | 4 Pagesof the 1960s, the goal of the Civil Rights Movement, led by Martin Luther King, Jr., was to end legal segregation and to integrate society. His strategy to achieve these goals was non-violent protest. By the end of the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement moved from integration to black separatism, and the strategy of the movement changed from non-violent methods to a militant style of protest. This change in strategy had a deep impact in the opinions and support of white people for the Civil RightsRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The 1950s And 1960s1183 Words  | 5 Pagesthe impact of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s on the lives of African-Americans in that period. The Civil Rights movement refers to the movement which aimed to remove racial discrimination and segregation and improve the social, political, legal, and economic rights of black people in America . Alt hough slavery had been abolished with the end of the Civil War , the â€Å"Jim Crow†laws kept black people and white people segregated from each other and the voting rights of African-AmericansRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The 1960 S1077 Words  | 5 Pagesmany social changes that have occurred. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s was one of the most significant and important for the equality of all people. Since the abolition of slavery in 1863, there had been a continuous conflict between the races of people who live in the United States. African Americans have a history of struggles because of racism and prejudices. Ever since the end of the Civil War, they struggled to benefit from their full rights that the Constitution promised. Jim Crow wasRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement During The 1960 S1224 Words  | 5 Pagesand negative effects on the people of the US.  During the 1960’s there were a lot of changes and one of these major cha nges was know as The Civil Rights Movement.  The civil rights movement was a movement created by African Americans to achieve rights equal to white people and have equal opportunity in housing, employment, education, the right to vote, and to not be segregated.  This movement had many important leaders that helped get rights for African Americans.  The book â€Å"Tambourines To Glory†isRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement During The 1960 S1368 Words  | 6 PagesThe American South in the 1960 s and Ancient Thebes both had a rigid social and legal system that did not effectively and legitimately represent the majority of its citizens. In both eras, an antihero rose up to defy the establish system. Dr. King, in the 1960 s, protested unjust laws and was jailed and viewed as an antagonist. Similarly, in Ancient Thebes, Antigone is sentenced to death for doing what she believes is right, regardless of the law. If Dr. King failed, he stood to lose, in additionRead MoreT he Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s Essay1796 Words  | 8 Pages The 1960’s were one of the most significant decades in the twentieth century. The sixties were filled with new music, clothes, and an overall change in the way people acted, but most importantly it was a decade filled with civil rights movements. On February 1, 1960, four black freshmen from North Carolina Agriculture and Technical College in Greensboro went to a Woolworth’s lunch counter and sat down politely and asked for service. The waitress refused to serve them and the students remainedRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pageshave been struggling for equality for many decades. It only seems that during the 1960?s is when there were actual significant advances made. This was about the same time that civil rights came into the political scene. Throughout the South, Blacks were still in the majority, but had no political power what so ever. The Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans a voice and a chance to m ake a difference. The 1960s helped open up hope and expectations for Black Americans. One of the most
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Wedding At Cana By Paolo Veronese - 1862 Words
When looking at the paintings that were created throughout the Renaissance art period, there are multiple paintings that depict religious stories. The best of these paintings has Jesus depicted within them. The majority of these paintings were created by those who had a large impact on the art â€Å"world†today. One of the most famous paintings that reveals religion within it is The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, which is similarly to The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese. When analyzing these two pieces of artwork, they are often confused for the other due to the fact that they are both based on biblical stories as well as how they are organized. There have been multiple discussions about which painting has more impact based on their†¦show more content†¦This is when he states, â€Å"One of you will betray me,†(Matthew 26:21). This quote is depicted in the painting by how we see Judas reaching for the same plate as Christ in which Judas strays away from t he plate. The way the painting is depicted is showing that Jesus is the reason for everything that he is the reason we have the stories we live by today. While The Last Supper may be an influential example of religion, it only tells of a small story within the religion and doesn’t measure to significance that The Wedding at Cana had to it. Within the painting there are multiple figures who are all centered around Jesus. There are some people who are sitting at a table who seem to be eating food. There are others who are around the feast table, some people are playing instruments, some are meeting up with others, others are helping serve those sitting upon the table, and some people at the top of the buildings seem as if they are looking at something above them. There are other items depicted within this painting such as animals. There are animals not only surrounding the people at the table, but there are even some animals shown on the table and on people’s body. There seems to be something above the wedding in which a lot of people are gazing upon, when looking at it, it seems to be a lady at the top of this building but it is unsure of who thisShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance Influence On The Middle Ages Essay2462 Words  | 10 Pagesof its influence over artists of the time. Paolo Veronese, actually named P aolo Caliari, was a Venetian artist who trained under Antonio Badile. Veronese’s forte was painting large feasts, prompting him to create a version of the Last Feast for a Dominican friar in 1573. This painting was ill-received by the Inquisition because of the amount of wealth the disciples and Jesus displayed, complaining that it was an irrelevant detail. In response, Veronese said that painters had the right to â€Å"take the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Organization Behavior Motivation and Leadership
Question: Discuss about theOrganization Behavior for Motivation and Leadership. Answer: Organization behavior is a vital element that steers towards improving the performance of individual and operational groups in an organization. The main purpose of the paper is to explain concisely on the elements of organization behavior and its impact on the firms performance. The article will explain the impact of organization behavior to the employee who act as the main stakeholders in an enterprise. Apparently, the paper will substantially embrace in the problems associated with the organization behavior as well as strategic approaches to be used to resolve the issues affecting the positive influence of organizational behavior. Additionally, the article will discuss the reason as to why people behave in a certain way, motivational elements will be discussed as aspects which will improve the behavior of employees in an organization. Introduction: Organizational behavior is defined to be the study of both developed groups and individual performance and related activities within the organization. The organizational behavior examines on how people behave in a working environment and its impact on the both employee and organization performance, it also determines the job structure, communication, motivation and enterprise leadership(DuBrin, 2013). Leadership is an essential element in scrutinizing the impact organizational behavior in an organization, leadership is explained to be the process of changing employee behavior in an enterprise, the main objective of exceptional leadership is to improve both the employee and the organization's performance(Miner, 2015). Communication is a pillar which determines the relationship between the management and employee, it allows evaluation ideas generates by employee and management in achieving the organizational goals and objectives(Greenberg, 2003). Continually, understating the organizat ion theory demonstrates the interaction of people within an organization, this implies how the management and employee communicate towards improving their performances(Glinow McShane, 2015). Employee Engagement Theory Employee engagement is a strategic management approach used by the organization in achieving the set goals and objectives, the main focus of the theory is to determine how an organization may achieve its strategic goals by creating a substantial human resource management environment where employee and management make a comprehensive decision concerning the operations of an organization(Gruman A, 2014). Therefore, employee engagement theory is a fundamental aspect which determines the organization behavior in an institution, the theory explains the commitment and employee behavior towards their jobs, it also embraces the factors related to the job satisfaction of employees and the management(Miner, 2015). While explaining the relationship of employee engagement and organization behavior, observing the essential element of employee engagement should also be substantially considered. Motivational Elements that Existed in the Old Organisational Environment Recognition Recognizing employee efforts is a fundamental element which defines how the employee behave in an organization, it is one of the crucial element of employee engagement theory. It is described to be the effort by the managers to recognize the employee who is commitment and behave according to the organization core values(Robbins and Judge, 2012). However, recognition non-financial motivational approach which necessary in developing a committed working staff in an organization, the approach should be well embraced in order to develop a considerable organization culture in relation to the organization employee behavior(Gruman A, 2014). XYZ company management is seen to encourage employee to work and provide exceptional consultancy services, recognizing the employee contributing. The company management ensure that employee were recognize despite what they could be seen to be little to the company. The achievement of the XYZ strategic goals were based on the Tims productive interaction with staff members in the organization particularly during meeting. Rewards Barrick and MK Mount 2013, stated that employee behaves negatively in an organization, this is a result of the management and the leadership of an organization failing to reward employee base on their effort in achieving the organizational goal, manager may fail to consider employees as the main stakeholders who play a key role accomplishing the set goals and objectives(Barrick, 2013). Tim played crucial role in ensuring that employees are well motivated and encourage to provide better services to the clients. Rewarding of staff is vital element of encouraging employee to improve their service provision, Tim respected the commitment of employees to the company operation. However, performance appraisal was his main tool of motivating employees in the company he provided bonuses to best performing staff members(DuBrin, 2013). Meeting Participation XYZ Company under the leadership of Tim is comprehended to be having essential motivational measure which were installed to the company in order to encourage employees perform their work with determination. The case study unveil the involvement of employee in Friday morning meeting which were held at the manger office(Greenberg, 2003). XYZ organizational behaviour acted as the centre of achieving strategic goals and objectives. Issues relating to the consultancy services were discuss with employee where each individual in the meeting contribute ideas which were used in decision making process. The excellent performance of the company is determined by how much the company value employees ideas during decision making process(Gruman A, 2014). Staff Consultation Organizational behavior is a fundamental strategic tool of management whose component is motivating employee while they perform their job functions. Tim has embrace an open management structure where subordinates were consulted before any decision is made regarding the company operation, before any decisions were to be made staff were to be consulted and they were given an opportunity to contribute towards the same decisions(Glinow McShane, 2015). Motivational Element Removed During Fionas Leadership. Removal of Open Management Style Open management structure was one of the key element which were used by Tim to encourage staff members to work towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Demolishing of open management structure was the first action Fiona took as a result of competitive market environment(Blader, 2013). She created three departments which she used as the watch dog to the operation of the employees in the company, unlike Tim leadership where employee were interacting with him directly. During Fionas tenure employee were to seek for appointment in order to meet with her regarding their activities in the organization. Staff Consultation According to the case study Fiona leadership steered towards removal of various motivational structures which were used by used by Tim while he was the managing director of the company. The study unveils that new grading system was introduced to the company without consulting staff, and this was seen to force staff to resist change management in the company, thus limiting company activities to its clients(Pinder, 2014). Justice and Equity Theory of Motivation John Stacey Adams in 1993 introduce the theory of fairness and equity which mostly was reflected to influence the activities undertaken by organizations. The equity theory is a prime theory which acts as the pillar while evaluating the employee and management behavior in an organization(Armstrong, 2014). It is a motivational theory which basis it essence in motivating individuals fairly based on their inequities in both output and input ratio, it focuses on allowing the employees to work perfectly in order to perceived equity amongst themselves and other working groups in an organization(Pinder, 2014). Analysis Training Consultants Behaviours The case study discloses that justice and equity motivational theory essential while determining service provided by the consultants. Motivation of employee should be just and it should base on the expectation from the management. XYZ Consultancy Company provided an exceptional training structure and behavior to its members by embracing the management expectation, this allowed the member to provide services with clear guidelines on how better the consultancy servicers were to be provided. Motivation was the centre of the company performance, according to the case study staff members were motivated based on their performance to the company. Tim utilize the appraisal system to embrace justice and equity theory where staff who perform better were recognize and were rewarded with bonuses(Barrick, 2013). As result of using equity theory some of the member also fighting for equity with their work-mate forcing them to put more effort while they provide services on behalf of the company. During Fionas tenure, new organizational and training behavior was introduced, the grading system was to increase the staff performance as they strive towards achieving the organizational strategic goals and objectives(Armstrong, 2014). The operation of the company during her period was basing on the hierarchy of training, where there was senior training consultant, training consultant and junior training consultant. Conclusion Organization behavior is an essential factor which controls the process of achieving the organization goals. The relationship between motivation and organization behavior is determined by the employees who are the main stakeholders in the organization(Armstrong, 2014). Motivation theories embrace the behavior of both the employee and the management in an organization, motivation comprises the process of recognizing individual efforts towards improving the organization goal and objectives, and this is by influence their performance by giving rewards and using other related motivation approaches(Miner, 2015). Using equity motivation theory will encourage employees to change their behavior as they will be perceived to equity in their operations. References Armstrong, M. a. T., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. s.l.:Kogan Page Publishers. Barrick, M., 2013. The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics.. s.l.:Academy of Management Review. Blader, T. T., 2013. How Can Theories of Organizational justice Explain the Eà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ects of Fairness?. Handbook of organizational justice. s.l.:s.n. DuBrin, A., 2013. Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective.. s.l.:Elsevier. Glinow, V. M., 2015. Organizational Behavior. s.l.:s.n. Greenberg, a. B., 2003. Behavior in organizations: Understanding and managing the human side of work.. s.l.:Pearson College Division.. Gruman, J. A, S., 2014. What do we really know about employee engagement?. Human Resource Development Quarterly. s.l.:s.n. Miner, J., 2015. Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. s.l.:Routledge. Pinder, C., 2014. Work motivation in organizational behavior. s.l.:Psychology Press. Robbins and Judge, T., 2012. Essentials of organizational behavior. Boston: Pearson.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Social Power of Expert Healers-Susan Douglas free essay sample
Essay on the subject of power and way of thinking with refrences to the essays titled ; Howard Brody ~ The Social Power of Expert Healers Susan Douglas ~ Narcissism as Liberation Greg Tate ~ I’m White! What’s wrong with Michael Jackson? and other* I want to focus on a way of thinking that I think needs constant revision. This way of thinking relies on unwavering belief in its own truth, to the exclusion of other ideas. For example, it is the way of thinking existing in all religions. All religions divide people into believers and non-believers. A religion assumes itself to be the truth and all others are false, this way of thinking is polarized, when it should be pluralistic since in reality everything is pluralistic, and polarized thinking eliminates plurality. When polarizing ways of thinking, it is always into two parts: Right and wrong, truths and lies or even honor and shame. We will write a custom essay sample on The Social Power of Expert Healers-Susan Douglas or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Polarizing serves the purpose of power. So, issues are always run down to two opposing poles. Polarized way of thinking is a form of power. There are many shades of power. Some are constructive powers and others are destructive. Destructive power can lead humanity towards oversimplification, racism, sexism, stereotype and bigotry. This type of thinking, this ‘power’ will ultimately lead to violence. Howard Brody says: â€Å"Power is almost impossible to share when one does not know that one has it, and does not know what one is doing with it†. Incomplete I say; Power cannot be fully shared except for the good of all. That is what sharing is all about. Financial power is an example. Being rich is power. Since that power is supposed to be shared, the rich must give to the poor. All forms or power are shareable but only when it’s for the good of all. And since that a way of thinking is a form of power, it is also shareable. In the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†Russell Crowe’s character, John Nash, disagrees with Adam Smith’s Theory. That in rugged individualism, competition is needed. Individualism being a term used to describe a moral, political, or social outlook that stresses human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty. Individualists promote the exercise of individual goals and desires. However, John Nash states that what is needed is not competition but cooperation. That one must act according to what is best for oneself and the group. I agree with him. And I think what he suggests should be used with power. Susan Douglas says: â€Å"women’s liberation metamorphosed with female narcissism unchained as political concepts and goal like liberation and equality were collapsed into distinctly personal private desires†¦Liberation became equated with women’s ability to do whatever they want, whenever and at whatever expense. †Women have always refused being dominated by men. A liberated woman once was an independent woman: a woman who proves capability of doing anything without relying on anyone. Nowadays, according to Douglas narcissism became the answer. And narcissism leads t vanity, which is the complete opposite of what humanity needs. Humanity needs humility. Because a narcissistic person is a selfish person, sharing becomes impossible. In the movie â€Å"Instinct†starring Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr. , they talk about the life of gorillas, how they all live together peacefully, sharing everything. They are considered givers and sharers. I think humans should do the same, because sharing might encourage peace. In the same movie, people are divided into ‘givers’ and ‘takers’. They address abusers of power as takers. When it comes to power, it is either the use for good or abuse. I think abuse of power is the opposite of sharing power. Abuse of power is described in Brody’s essay as ‘playing god’, that means: going beyond the power attached to the person’s role, beyond assisting those who seek the aid. I t also means to try to redesign the world, often by rewarding the good and punishing the bad. This is what I would call monopolizing power, regarding self superior to all others. It isn’t sharing, it is domination. Brody claims that power should be made ‘culturally visible’ so that experts can accept responsibility for the use of power with a realistic understanding of all facts. I agree that power should be made visible. I think that hidden power like commercials is an abusive power. Rabkin’s definition of abuse of power is the violation of one’s right of autonomy. Rabkin accused Dr Walsh of violating Mr. Baker’s right of autonomy, thus abusing the power granted to her as a physician. I agree with Brody that Dr Walsh was the one listening to the Bakers and supporting their decision. I also agree that the matter isn’t who is right or wrong. People have different ways of thinking, and you can look at the situations from different perspectives and point of views, but still be unable to make a fair judgment about who’s right or wrong. The power of media and commercials is similar to the power of hysicians in many ways. Both are powers that are majorly influential, both are powers that can make a change, good or bad. Media (commercials) does not only have the power to make viewers believe that they need an expensive system of 3-5 different creams to fight off acne, skin aging or wrinkles, they also have the power to make the viewers actually buy the products. Physicians (psychiatrists) make patients believe that their daily troubles could be solved by paying hundreds of dollars for endless appointments and blabbering. It could be helpful for some people but others admit that the more they consult the unhappier they get. Brody discusses peoples need for psychiatrist in their search for happiness and he considers it to be an ideology rather than a rational belief. I agree with him. Susan Douglas says: In commercials they say: â€Å"spread high priced products on your face instead of using cheap shit- Pond’s and Nivea. The need is to flatter the new woman. †The message is: You get what you pay for but you are treated as well as you treat yourself. I think this way commercials create the need, not meet the need. Douglas also says: They convince us that by using the products advertised we will get the acceptance from people surrounding us, especially men. They imply huge importance to that as if it means everything†What Susan says is certainly true. I have seen not only cosmetics commercials but also food commercials that carry the same message. There is a Yoplait yoghurt commercial that I have seen not a long while ago, where a woman spending her vacation on the beach is ashamed to walk out in public. She is wearing a bathing suit but desperately trying to hide her waist and thighs with an inflated rubber tube. She notices girls giggling at her, and then hides in a changing room. There she pulls out strawberry Yoplait yoghurt out of her bag and eats. Once she’s done eating, she steps out of the changing room feeling incredibly and captures the men’s attention, resulting in making the giggling girls jealous. This commercial I think gives a woman the idea that people’s notice is wanted especially men’s, and in order to get their attention one must look a certain look. The commercial promises this result by buying the product advertised. Douglas says: â€Å"What if every woman in America woke up tomorrow and simply decided that she was happy with the way she looked? She might exercise to keep herself healthy, and get some Vaseline extensive care from CVS to sooth her dry skin, but basically, that would be the extent of it. Think of the entire multibillion-dollar industries that would crumble. †That is a way of thinking Douglas declares as needed to be shared among women and considered by men. Her way of thinking, I would say is constructive thinking, constructive power. In my opinion, it’s definitely worth considering. When I read Greg Tate’s essay, my immediate reaction was a similar way of thinking. I developed a theory that Michael Jackson considered being white is better than black. I thought he changed his skin color because he believed being white, meant possessing more power somehow. I turned it into a racial matter. But then I looked at other celebrities like: Grace Jones, Rupaul and Marilyn Manson. Seeing these examples helped me understand Michael more. I began to think in a different way, what if someone wants to change his/her look? Even if it made him/her look abnormal or odd. Its ones right of autonomy. Just like the Baker’s case in Brody’s essay, they wished to be treated at their home and Michael Jackson wished to be white. Why does he have to be black anyways? Why can’t he be both black and white? I realized that I had a polarized way of thinking. I thought that what he did was wrong, but now I see it just as his right of autonomy. Autonomy is important, it is part of social power in that it offers people a way of testing and challenging the categories that make up what we think as of our social world.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Stephen Benjamin and his vision
Stephen Benjamin and his vision Stephen Benjamin is a man who has aroused the political interest of most residents in the metropolitan area of Columbia. Steve has already been at the helm of this city’s leadership for over two years. This man, whose life started some forty-two years ago, has many accomplishments in his repertoire. Some of these preceded his election as mayor of Columbia. In addition, some of these were in service to the larger South Carolina community.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Stephen Benjamin and his vision specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Before being elected as mayor of Columbia, Stephen Benjamin had his formal education in New York. Later on, his family relocated to this state and Steve undertook his undergraduate education in the University of South Carolina. As a student, the mayor was involved in numerous extracurricular activities. For instance, he was active in various student organizations and had affiliatio ns with the NAACP. Career wise, Mayor Benjamin had served in various public positions before his election. Most of his pre-election career activities revolved around Benjamin Law Firm, LLC. The mayor has also served in the Governor’s cabinet of South Carolina. Prior to the elections, Steve had made various promises concerning the City of Columbia. These promises touched on areas such as the city police department, the fire department, and investment opportunities. His campaign was filled with optimism about the city’s transformation. Most of his detractors had faulted the mayor’s vision for the city as unattainable. However, the mayor has shown a great display of character by sticking with his vision for the city. Among the things that Mayor Benjamin had promised to help the city achieve, was helping stimulate the city’s economic growth. Currently, the economic prospects of the city are better than they were when the mayor took over. In his state of the c ity address, the mayor urged residents to look around and witness the fruits of this development. It should also be noted that during Mayor Benjamin’s tenure, there was a $1.1 billion dollar increase in investments. Moreover, the level of unemployment fell tremendously. Right now, there are over nine thousand job openings within Metro Columbia. It was also the mayor’s vision that the city fosters a culture that values art and creativity. This vision has materialized in the form of the just opened Tapps Art Center. Advertising Looking for essay on biography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the wake of his campaign, Mayor Benjamin had expressed concern that public safety should be a priority in the City’s budget. True to his word, the city’s police and fire departments have had a two million dollar boost in funding since then. The men and women in uniform have also benefited from new per sonal benefits that address the risks they face in their line of duty. It has not been all bliss for the mayor during these first two years. For instance, there was uproar over the mayor’s decision to commit taxpayer’s money to a new year’s celebration festival. However, the mayor’s steadfastness paid off because the festival was able to generate over $1.4 million. The festival was so successful such that everybody is looking forward to the next year’s event. Although Mayor Benjamin’s performance has been above average, he still needs to do a lot in order to realize his vision fully. Among the areas that the mayor needs to pay attention to, include the city’s education sector. The mayor should also be vigilant to ensure that the gains he has made are not reversed because of laxity. In overall, Stephen Benjamin might go down in history as one of the best performing mayors this city has ever known. However, his success is dependent on c onsistency. It should also be noted that Benjamin has been in this position for only two years. This is not enough time for anyone to judge his performance accurately. Therefore, it is entirely up to Mr. Mayor to curve out his place in Columbia’s history.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
HR Management Organizational Culture Essay
HR Management Organizational Culture Essay HR Management: Organizational Culture Essay Organizational culture can be explained as the sum of beliefs, attitudes, traditions and behaviour of an organization. It is the summation of a company’s goals and the behavioural change of the organization in the process of achieving these goals. It therefore concentrates on human behaviour in organization, how the people interact in the organization and the organization itself (Alvesson, 2002). The arrangement of the organization is also important because it through the structure that issues such as efficiency and effectiveness of the company can be achieved. This is usually done by the process of harmonization and control of the entity. Organizational structure usually deals with issues such as the size, technological aspects, the pattern of activities, strategies, and the concentration of decision making power and also supporting features. It also tries to harmonize these differences for the overall best performance for an organization. People do not work alone but are in contact with other persons and the organization in several ways such as fellow employees, managers, policies and changes put in place by the organization. To make the overall success of an organization, it is necessary to make sure of successful implementation of the policies and harmonization of these factors to the policies and goals. Realistic decision formulation theory: This school of thought puts emphasis on problem identification, action plan formulation, alternative plan formulation and implementation and an overall mechanism for monitoring the progress of the so formulated plans. By going through the problem identification all the way to solution logically helps in proper implementation process of ideas which have been given a proper incubation period to contribute. Decisions made properly will consequently give yield to better results and improve the organization’s performance. According to Plantinga (1993b, 144-145), he put forward the criticism that the level of rationality usually differs from one person to another. Consequently, what appears rational in an organization in respect to another may be different to another. In addition, Plantiga also added that it is in the nature of people to comply with the decisions and rules set within an organization but this does not necessary warrant that they agree with the decisions in regard to the firm. The company can apply the Maslow’s ladder of requirements that was formulated by Abraham Maslow to appeal to the staff, the management needs to concentrate more on what the employees in the firm need. If the management needs the staff to participate in certain activities and behaviour then it should correctly identify and appease the needs of the staff (Maslow, 1954, p. 47). The management needs to identify the needs in a hierarchical order and will need to satisfy the lower hierarchy needs before it proceeds to the next level. Therefore, one cannot achieve self actualization until the lower hierarchical needs are met (McClelland, 1962). By attending to needs such as time to socialise with co-workers and secure work environment only once they have been achieved can the staff achieve better self esteem and hence better staff motivation. Mismatched motivation efforts and hierarchy need then these results to unsatisfied needs and consequently poorly motivated staff. The areas of criticism for this theory may be attributed to the fact that it does not put into consideration the part organizational cultures plays in the success and activity of the firm. The theory also ignores the fact that people who are deprived may still strive to attain self actualization. This is because self actualization is innate in people and this does not necessarily mean that just because one is deprived they cannot attain self realization (Kane-Urrabazo, 2006). How Maslow attained those five categories is also another area that has raised disagreement. The accuracy of the needs and also order of those needs do not include an in depth study of the needs and order from a scientific point of view. There has been no evidence to point of the direction of a study being done by Maslow (Behling Schriesheim, 2001). Another point that is pointed out was the measurements needs. To quantify things such as love, security among other needs is nearly impossible to achieve. In addition, there may be some needs that also overlap like when he states that physical needs and safety needs. These two will have a point of intersection and this can be difficult to tear apart (Kane-Urrabazo, 2006). The personality theory urges that so as to improve group performance, the managers should choose only the staffs that possess the right skills and trait geared more too self achievement. The effort made by a person to ensure that the task at hand is accomplished can be used a san measure of how much they are motivated towards success. Staff with a strong achievement orientation work hard to achieve socially accepted success and activities. Therefore, finished assignment, solved work problems usually means better performance of the organization and a successful one for that matter (Behling, Schriesheim, 2001). The five factor model (openness, extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness) (Rita, Richard, Edward, Smith, Bem Susan, 2000) determines the level of performance across most jobs. It is exemplary good at gauging the level of success experienced at any given company. Staff with higher achievement levels set high individual goals and also put in effort and time so as to achieve them. Individuals with such characteristics are on wonder the one getting promotions in the work place. With a staff with such qualities essentially means a greater successful organization that once goals are set, the employees do not settle until they have been achieved. The leaders can only manage to get such group of people right from the hiring process such as getting people with high score. With such, it is expected that an aggressive bosses will set aggressive goals with their staff and the staff will work hard to achieve them. It should not come as a surprise when you find the same staff going back to class or learning other trades related to the organization (Chavan, 2009). One critic of the hypothesis is that personality conversion in individuals is inevitable. The characters that one meets and interacts with in that course of life modify the personality of a person. In addition, it can be very hard to be certain that those same characteristics in the staff are likely to remain the same after a year (Behling Schriesheim, 2001). In addition, the measurements of these five traits do not necessary give a forecast of the individual behaviour. A person may exhibit the personality of being an extrovert but the reality is that the person is an introvert. This will in turn affect the communication transmission within the organization (Ybema, 2011). On the other hand, the personality of a person is affected by the situation one finds them in. During an interview, a potential employee may exhibit those personalities but upon arrival in the work place, the person is different from the expected (Ybema, 2011). Goal setting theory is perhaps the easiest and common theory of improving staff motivation and improving the company’s performance. The leaders should set clearly the performance goals and objectives and device a systematic way into achieving them. Targets and goals demand attention, effort, development of achievement strategies and exert people’s efforts to achieve them. When the goals set have been attained greater and more difficult tasks are even set (Latham, 1979). A study done by Locke and Latham (2006) showed that specific and difficult goals got higher performance and effort compared to those of do the best you can goals. Devotion to the goals and purposes of the firm was also very important. This is directly proportional to the goals individuals help set so long as the leader had authority, set clear performance levels and had confidence in the staff. Giving a summary on the success and failure of the tasks is also essential. Goals can be set for any activity in an organization such as cost reduction, better service and product quality among others (Locke and Latham, 2006) However, care should be observed to avoiding setting goals that are contradictory because staff can only concentrate only such effort at a time. Goals achieved successfully give the staff a sense of satisfaction and the easier the goals are the easier they are to accomplish compared to more tough goals. A the same time extremely easy goals which require less effort lowers performance compared to more tough jobs (Alderfer, 1972). The manager’s goal accomplishment expectation affects the level of performance by the staff and company in general. Therefore to improve an individual and consequently the organization performance, the management should set high but attainable goals and also show confidence and give support to the staff about the job being done (Doyle, 2001). Criticism of this theory have been that , one, the theory has been over praised as being effective across all jobs in an organization but in reality some organizations do not agree with this. This is because there are some departments that goal setting might not be the best way of getting jobs done (Day, Sin, Chen, 2004). The theory focuses very much on the specific task. By doing this, the staff might spend too much time in trying to get these tasks done but ignoring other aspects of the organization hence negative consequences (Coulehan, 2004). It is the inborn trait of individuals to only concentrate at one job at a time. However, since this theory advocates for multiple, small goals, the staff will still only achieve a goal at a time even if those two goals need to be achieved simultaneously to impact the organization performance (Doyle, 2001). In addition, the time horizon of jobs does overshadow one another. Taking that organizations fix attention on short term jobs, the long term goals will be affected. This was not put in mind in advancing this theory (Latham, 1979). It has not yet been determined if there is a linear agreement between the level of toughness of goals and job performance. There are times when jobs that are tough may lead to unwanted results in the organization. If the employees fail to reach the set targets, it might lead to unwanted effects on them in that they may develop poor self esteem among others (Latham, 1979). Generation of counterpoise scorecards is another theory. Financial performance is not the only way to assess the performance of organizations. By concentrating only on one such indicator will affect the other indicators and will suffer in the long run. It can take a short time to indicate the financial performance of an organization but other key organization indicator performance are little mentioned. They include satisfaction of the customer, turnover of employees among others. According to Norton and Kaplan, setting goals for all of such indicators will results to improved operational and financial performance (Coulehan, 2004). This theory has been critiqued in that it lowers the certainty levels in an ever changing environment. There have been investigations carried out and they do affect the manager’s decisions in regard to budgeting plans. Consequently, strategic planning of operational activities is affected in the long run (Doyle, 2001). Conclusion Therefore, strong organizational culture has a positive correlation with the productivity of the organization, the staff, environment of the workplace and even staff motivation. This can be achieved by a strong incentive programs, fairness in policies and also good leadership. A motivated employee works more and harder, gives better results and also maintains a good attitude than a person who is not motivated. To understand the organizational culture in favour of staff motivation and hence overall improvement in the organization performance, the management requires having an in-depth understanding of the goals, needs and expectation of the staff and also the organization. Policy fairness is very important in creating a safe work place and also a great factor that contributes to motivation and hence improved company performance. Therefore, the way the structure of the organization is determines a lot how the culture will be. Feel free to enjoy professional Management essay help from academic experts at if you need a high-quality custom written paper. We guarantee non-plagiarized papers!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Will GM's Strategic Plan Lead to Future Success Case Study
Will GM's Strategic Plan Lead to Future Success - Case Study Example The third strategy that GM has implemented is the premium pricing strategy that has led to higher margins and prices thus ultimately leading to higher profits per unit sales. GM has cut the incentives for the dealers in order to attain higher margins. The fourth strategy linking the executive compensation to company performance through ensuring the executive bonuses are dependent on the margins posted by the company. The company has also carried out staff rationalization in order to reduce the boated wage bill. Based on the case study, GM’s vision is to become the most profitable automaker in the world. The company is not interested in expanding its market share, but its strategies aim at reducing the operating costs and increasing the unit margins in order to improve the profitability of the company (Daft 183). The vision is realistic since it managed to regain from Toyota as the largest automaker in term of sales figures and has increased its profit margins. The company has also controlled costs. In this case, higher margins and sales volumes will make GM the most profitable automaker if the measures implemented in controlling costs are successful. The first SMART goal is to raise profit margins by 10 percent. This goal is specific and measureable since the current profit margin is 6 percent and this could go up to 10 percent after restructuring the company and improving operational efficiency. The reduction in engineering and manufacturing costs through downsizing the auto platforms will significantly reduce the manufacturing costs. Use of standardized plants and assembling will also improve efficiency of operations and lower costs. Other companies that have few auto platforms have managed to attain a return of 10 percent of sales and this goal is realistic and time-bound since GM will have only 14 auto ‘platforms’ by 2018. The second SMART goal of GM is to make more than $ 10
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethics project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics project - Essay Example Practicing the ethical requirements help in ensuring safety, health and the welfare of organizations and individuals because of the closeness in human and business relations. Engineers must abide by the code of ethics as stipulated by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). The code articulates the significance of the decisions made by engineers that require full concentration, honesty, fairness and integrity. The misdeed by the responsible engineer is determined by his actions towards agreeing to sign off the project as complete in full knowledge that the software contained a bug. According to the prototype tests, a high number of airplanes led to the disappearance of one of them from the system. However, the boss convinced the engineer that the FAA would not detect the problem since she was aware of their testing methods (McFarland 1). As such, the boss managed to persuade the engineer to sign and as a result, with the full knowledge of the error in the software, the engineer signed off the software. In this case, the responsible engineer had the option of declining the signing off and delivery of the software to FAA until the error was corrected. With such an error, the software could mislead the traffic control personnel and lead to an air disaster. Such disasters lead to the destruction of property and loss of life. The responsible engineers can be held responsible for such disasters in a court of law. Additionally, such a misdeed can lead to the loss of practicing license as an engineer, blacklisting, being fired and a jail term. After signing the software off and delivering it to the FAA, the engineer broke several codes of ethics by deliberately approving a faulty software. According to the NSPE codes, the engineer breached Section 1.5 of the NSPE Code of Ethics that state, â€Å"Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall avoid deceptive acts.†The engineer also broke Section II.1.b of the NSPE
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Impact of Web Services Essay Example for Free
Impact of Web Services Essay Web services are self-contained, self-describing, and modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Web services Perform functions that can be anything from simple requests to complicated business Processes†. (http://webservices. xml. com/pub/a/ws/2001/04/04/webservices/index. html) We are the habitants of the 21st century. This is considered as the most innovative century of the world. Day-by-day innovations have made the world a global village. Everyday, new models of home appliances are introduced in the market, and not only home appliances but also everything is changing itself day to day. Even human beings have adjusted their lifestyles according to the modern era. In old days, people used different sources to communicate with each other. They would send telegrams telephoned their fellows. Slowly as their minds began to innovate, they produced new sources of communication. Through many gradual changes we produced and benefited many things. The human mind is very sharp because it can do any new if it is utilized in positive way. This mind had innovated many things. And today the most popular source of communication is the web service. This is also the effort of human’s sharp mind. The web service is the easiest way to communicate people through computer. This service has several benefits and loses. When this service was launched it became very popular and now through this service people have established their businesses. This service provides entertainment, information, professions and benefit people in several other ways. â€Å"The Colorado Department of Agriculture uses Web services to publish deer and elk tracking data, Jet Blue Airways Corp. uses them to process credit card transactions, and the state of New Mexico uses them for content management†. Enrique Castro through his article focuses on the future obstacles, which will be faced by the society and how will it affect the businesses around the world. â€Å"Assessing the future impact of Web services is at best an uncertain exercise from todays vantage point. There will be technical consequences, but perhaps the most profound will be its effect on society and business. What will be the effect on IT workers, especially those on developed economies who are? Concerned about off shoring? Will a 90% reduction in the cost of Enterprise Application Integration projects lead to more unemployment? Or will businesses decide to tackle more ambitious projects with the extra productivity? At the same time, as the technical hurdles to attain a certain level of functionality are diminished, comparatively, business Considerations rises in importance. This means programmers and IT workers will need to get more involved with the business aspects and business consequences of their tasks. The needs to build on business skills are a frequent theme in trade journals today. Jobs that require business skills and internal company business knowledge are much harder to outsource†. (Castro, 2003) Through these scholarly articles and scientific point of view, people who use web service regularly have a bad effect on their health. Using web service regularly and continuously is a health hazard. The rays of computer are so powerful that they can damage the eyes in many ways. It strongly affects the iris inside the eye. These rays damage the brain also. It has severe effects on the human health. Web Services have a great impact in our daily life. People who are known of the web’s Negative and positive aspects try to spread awareness about it. Professional people use web for their work but today the rising question is about the young generation. Is it? Doing the right jobs on the web or just using it for fun, entertainment? It is very necessary to tell the kids about the positive and negative aspects of the web. It is a source to promote awareness among people but nowadays people are misusing the web services in several ways. â€Å"The maturing of Web services and interoperability standards allow users to have access to a framework that enables them to access spatial data and applications from anywhere across the network, as was recently demonstrated in the Australian Spatial interoperability Demonstration Project (SIDP) project. This means that data can be obtained from point-of-truth custodians, avoiding duplication and enabling business continuity solutions, saving significant time and money and delivering better information products. Despite these obvious benefits, this approach highlights a number of issues around security, connectivity, privacy, licensing, etc. These need to be, and can be, dealt with effectively. However, sometimes such issues begin to lead lives of their own. They turn into myths that risk resonating with the decision-makers, hampering much needed Innovation. †(http://www. directionsmag. com/article. php? article_id=2011trv=1) Through different opinions, Web services are very helpful in businesses, media and in our daily life. It helps us in every field either it is networking, marketing or any other occupation it is a proved fact that without web services we cannot go further in any field. Analysts have analyzed that web services would create problems in the future because people would be using web services above requirement and they will be dependant of web services. Lastly, I would conclude that web services are a way to communicate people across the world. It is a very useful technological service. It provides us better information, entertainment and knowledgeable facts about the habitants of the world. Today many people are misusing it just for the sake of money and their entertainment. People have made web services a black-money earning source, but we should try to destroy the destructive minds that are providing a wrong impression of the web services to us. It is a common belief of our society that media and web services are very-beautifully playing their role in destroying the youngsters. Web services have negative impact too on the Society, but it does not mean that we start avoiding such a useful source of information. References Web Services Impact Web Services Impact http://www.,1759,537367,00. asp? kc=EWNKT0209KTX1K0100440 Retrieved January 27, 2007 Web services to offload integration from professional services | InfoWorld | News | 2003-05-23 | By Paul Krill http://www. infoworld. com/article/03/05/23/HNzap_1. html Retrieved January 27, 2007 Enrique Castro. An Introduction to Web Services. Ziff Davis Channel Zone, November, 2003 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_zdzcz/is_200311/ai_ziff113418/pg_5 Trends in Web Mapping: Dispelling the Myths around Web Services Articles http://www. directionsmag. com/article. php? article_id=2011trv=1 Retrieved January 27, 2007
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Problem of Racism :: essays research papers
Racism has many meanings, one of which is the discrimination of a group of people due to their race, color, and religion. In addition, racism is hatred for all races apart from one that is considered the master race. Racism stemmed from the past and is still active today. Racism in the past was purely violent especially in the early 20th Century. When slavery was abolished in America in 1865 racial tension settled in. As the free slaves, where allowed to move freely around the land a majority of the white population still saw them as slaves and did not want to mix with them. Fewer than 50% of the population supported the abolition of slavery. The South was a hotbed for racism in the late 19th Century. Segregation was introduced in the 1920's and 30's. Blacks and whites were kept apart from each other. Sometimes there was a single white line between the races, the blacks were given poor surroundings to reside in, while the whites had comfortable surroundings. People found crossing the line on both sides were given severe punishments especially on the white side of the town. Lynching was a common punishment that was used many times by the white community, sometimes it was arranged. There were separate toilets, separate washbasins, separate shops, separate restaurants and coffee houses and even separate drinking fountains and in schools. The schools were separated for the blacks and the whites it ended in 1954 with schools being told to let the black children go to the same schools as the whites. There were countless demonstrations from the white parents. Segregation was also present on the buses, blacks had to sit on the three back seats and if the bus was full and a white person got on the bus the black person had to give up his/her seat. There was an incident that sparked the whole pacifist movement from Martin Luther King. Rosa Parks was going home from a day shopping, the bus she was on was packed. A white person got on the bus and told her to get up and let him sit down. She refused profusely and was physically thrown of the bus. She was then arrested and imprisoned. This caused a boycott of the bus service from the black population. Many businesses went out of business and the segregation on the buses came to an end. This forced a bill to be
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
More Technology More Problems
These are some statements that show what the advantages of technology in our lives. Technological change has its advantages and disadvantages. itsolves problems. Modern technology makes life easier more comfortable and more convenient for most people.. However, there are many people who see the advantages of technology. first of all, the products of new technologies like electronic devices are very useful. technology makes the world become smaller. for instance 3G people connected at all times and in all places. ecnology put enjoable materials to our lifes like smart phones; tablets or even mp3 players.. and Companies need to use their competitive advantage in technology. Although the positive influence of technology on our lives is credible but at the same time various drawbacks of technology can not be neglected, technology has so many disadvantages it has created harzards to the health of societies. it damege human relations. for example people dont meet their friends and collater al kins in crowded dining out†¦One disadvantage is that as technology develops, robots a will take over many jobs and people will loose their jobs by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses. it will create a large expense to repair them. To sum up even as there are as many advantages ad disadvantages of technology. I personally wish a more advanced world with great technologies. Don’t you think it will be awesome with in 3D to go stores and buy new clothes in our house confortably. I hope these days come within my lifetime.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personal and Professional Development Essay
Task 1. Individuals can research they will be able to do, can be or has been issued a university or college, or even in workplace learning, people can learn different techniques to do research but also for example, a friend of the British business-related information to understand what in a commercial environment. Seminars and conferences People can learn seminars, meetings where they experienced what the future changes. Seminars and conferences, so that people have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge about something other people who end up learning something new. Seminars and conferences can help people become confident in public speaking and development are needed in the organization’s Presentation Skills Social Networking There are different social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, and I book a year, who spent more than two hours a day chatting with friends to learn about other people’s information may also make use of Blackboard, the Internet and the new group of people can learn new things. People can learn how social networks like Mark Zuckerberg, how he became successful owners, individuals can learn and find their way in their career success. Internet Individuals can learn through the Internet, such as different from the articles written by different authors involved in management, strategy, risk management, and other people get this knowledge could be transferred to the workplace. There are on the internet to help people learn things such as, there is different information and services, people can learn from them different websites, you can search. Through self-management of learning, personal experiences like me personal things, there are ways to encourage lifelong learning for personal and professional background. Lifelong learning is constantly learning about the individual, may contribute to their fields of specialization. Individuals can be used as a means of lifelong learning have a personal assessment of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis). My advantage is a good learning ability, ambitious, friendly, etc., weakness is that sometimes I feel the pressure, when I’m tired, but I tried to control it with adequate sleep and do some physical exercise, helps to maximize reduce the pressure on me, the opportunity to continue to further my education and the threat of a recession, money. SWOT analysis By assessing personal SWOT analysis, which will help me with my professional learning is selfreflective learning and continuing professional development (CPD) using other tools. Self-reflective learning attempts to review some comments, personal judgment, understanding and action, you are willing to consider an appropriate manner and honesty. This will help me link to my professional development to practical problems that I’ve experienced in my life, social or academic. Learning self-reflection Learning self-reflection can help in the workplace also have a job assigned to me the tasks and responsibilities, through the development of personal skills and learn new skills. The self-reflective learning comments of things, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) a combination of methods, concepts and technologies to help develop my personal learning and growth to a certain level, I can contact my effective learning, planning and assessment through professional other people, to accept the judgment or opinion. Decision-making, self-management of learning the skills to help individuals purchase decision, through a variety of learning experiences, they may be from the education or work experience. Morality, individuals can from personal experience, this may be an advantage in a professional way to organize learning about moral judgments. Solve the problem, these are the kind of skills, personal skills through self-study, a person can get them on how to solve a variety of problems, almost can be applied in the organization of work, education, hobbies or interests transferred. Organizations prefer people to be flexible working patterns mean people without a job, may limit any individual to assume different tasks. Individuals can obtain this through self-study to focus on organizational goals. Task 2. What does the word priority mean? When we prioritise something in our workplace we have established its order of importance. We are giving it special attention because it is important at that time to do this task first. Let me give you a very broad, perhaps exaggerated example. You are bagging instruments in the steriliser room. The receptionist has slipped out to get some milk. The telephone rings. What do you do? Of course you don’t keep bagging the instruments because that is now not your top priority. You stop and answer the telephone. Spare time duties tend to come into play when prioritising work. These are tasks we carry out when we have spare time rather than giving them top priority. Take a moment to think of tasks that take priority over others. These tasks will have a hierarchy of importance. Most times you will automatically place your tasks in some priority order without even thinking about it. At other times a certain task takes precedence over what you are doing at the moment and you have to change tack. There may be many tasks similar to the telephone incident that you will have to give priority to when the situation demands it. That is what work prioritising is all about. The right of self-analysis and job analysis First, through scientific methods and means of cognition, their career interests, temperament, personality, ability to conduct a comprehensive understanding, know their strengths and strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Designed to avoid the blindness, to design a highly appropriate. Secondly, the modern professional with its own regional, industry, job and other characteristics. To rate this occupation where the industry status and development prospects of a more in-depth understanding of such talent supply situation, the average wage situation, an informal group of industry norms; also need to understand the specific occupational skills. Construct a reasonable knowledge structure The accumulation of knowledge is taught basic and necessary conditions, but knowledge alone is not sufficient to show that a number of people really level of knowledge, not only to have a considerable amount of knowledge, but also to form a reasonable knowledge structure, there is no reasonable knowledge structure, can not utilize their creative function. Reasonable knowledge structure generally refers to the pagoda, and network type. Training of professional practice ability required Comprehensive ability and knowledge is the basis for the employer select talent. Generally, enter new positions should focus on training to meet the needs of the community in decision-making ability, creativity, social skills, practical skills, organization and management skills for lifelong learning and self-development ability, psychological adjustment, resourcefulness capability. Participate in vocational training useful Vocational training, including vocational skills training, vocational adaptability of self-assessment, career intentions of scientific determination and so on. Through the â€Å"three rural†activities, students â€Å"youth volunteer†activities, graduation practice, and engage in social entrepreneurship on campus part-time simulation of professional practice, career intentions evaluation etc. vocational training. To meet the company’s needs and future requirements 1. Self-assessment. Including the individual’s needs, abilities, interests, personality, temperament, etc. analysis to determine what career is more suitable for themselves and what they have the ability. 2 .Organization and Social Environment. More emphasis on short-term planning analysis of an organization’s environment, long-term planning should focus more on the analysis of the social environment. 3. Career Opportunity Assessment. Career opportunities include the assessment of longterm opportunities and short-term opportunities for assessment. Through the analysis of the social environment, combined with my specific situation, assess what the long-term development opportunities; organization’s environment through analysis, evaluation organization which short-term opportunities for development. 4. career goals OK. Determine career goals include goals in life, long-term goals, medium-term goals and short-term goal setting, they are associated with life planning, longterm planning, medium-term planning and short-term planning correspond. First, according to personal professional, personality, temperament and values and social trends to determine their own life goals and long-term goals, and then provide detailed life goals and long-term goals, based on personal experience and organizational environment in which to develop appropriate medium-term goals and short-term goals. 5. to develop an action plan. The objectives into specific programs and measures. This process is the more important action programs have career path choices, career choices, appropriate education and training plans. 6. Assessment and feedback. Career planning assessment and feedback process is an individual constant awareness of their own process, but also the constant awareness of the social process, is to make more effective career planning a powerful tool. Task 3.First began to weave dreams, including you want to have, what you want, you want to be, and you want to experience. Sit down, take a piece of paper and a pen, write down your wishes hands. When you write, do not control what those goals the way to go to reach, is to try to write. Until you feel there is nothing you can write, you can look at the following questions and answer them, and these questions will guide you to get to know their own heart’s desire, which would take some time, but you are now efforts to The next step is for the rich harvest for the next base. 1) in your life, what five things do you think the most valuable? 2) In your life, which of the three most important goals? 3) If you have only six months to live, how would you utilize these six months? 4) If you immediately become a millionaire, in what matter, your approach will be different and today? 5) What are the things that you have always wanted, but did not dare try to do? 6) In life, what activities do you find most important? 7) If you are sure that he will not fail (have substantial time, resources, capacity, etc.), which one would you dare to dream something? After answering these questions, you have a list of all the targets are divided into six categories – 1 healthy 2, training / knowledge 3, love / family 4, career / fortune five, six friends, social Look at what you wrote, I hope to reach the expected time frame. When do you want to accomplish? There just might be called to achieve time-bound targets, no time limit can only be called a dream. Selected in this year’s most important to you four (also can be increased to six) goals. Your list of goals from Select your most willing to invest, you most excited I want to try, the best way to satisfy your four things, and write them down. I suggest that you clearly and concisely, certainly write your real reason for implementing them, tell yourself to achieve its objectives and their grasp of the importance to you. If you do things to know how to find a good reason, then you can do anything, because the motivation to pursue goals motivate us more than the goal itself. Check your list of four goals, whether the result of the formation of the five rules match. 1) with a positive tone to anticipate your results, say what you want rather than undesirable; 2) the results to be as specific as possible, but also a clear deadline set for the completion of the project; 3) to be able to get things done when you know completed; 4) To be able to seize the initiative, rather than fancy about; 5) whether the benefit to society. List what you already have a variety of important resources. When you make a plan, you have to know what tools to use. You have listed a list of resources, which includes its own personality, friends, possessions, educational background, time, capacity, and others. This list is more detailed the better. When you finish all this, would you please review the past, there are those who will use the resources listed in your very skillful. Find out what you think the past two or three most successful experience, think about what to do special things that has caused career, health, finance, relationships successes, make a note of this particular reason. When you’re done in front of career planning method, please write to achieve the goal itself has the condition. Write down your reasons for not immediately achieve their goals. First you have to start from the analysis of their personality, why hinder your progress? To achieve their goals, you have to take what approach to take? If you are unsure, you can think of are there any winners worthy of you to learn? You have Daosuan from the final achievement, to your current position one step list the required practices. Then you find out in Article VII of the data as you design your plans for the future reference. May now that four important goals for yourself, set out to achieve their career planning approach for each. Do not forget, set back from your target career planning methods, and ask yourself, how to do my first step, to be successful? What hinders me, how do I change ourselves? We must remember that your plan may contain what you can do today, do not aim too high. Find some for themselves a model worthy of emulation. Celebrities from around you, or from which to identify three, five goals in your outstanding achievements in the field of people who simply write down their successful character and deeds. You done that, you think the eyes closed, as if each of them will be able to offer you some suggestions to achieve their goals, write down each of them a recommended approach, as they talk privately with you, like, focus in the next sentence down his name. Recall that in the past there had been a major success stories. Biao for technology use it with your new target image replacement. There are so diverse and the overall significance of the target. Create for themselves an appropriate environment. Often reflect the results made. Out a form, write down your goals in the past has been realized something. Thou shalt see what he learned during this period which is worth to thank the people that you have what special achievements. Many people often only see the future, but do not know to cherish and make good use of already owns. So I’ll tell you that one of the elements of success is to keep a grateful heart, and always be grateful for their situation. Task 4. Skills are those that can be migrated from one job to another job transfer in use, and can be used to perform many types of job skills. Many liberal arts students may be positive for the lack of formal work experience and concerns, but also feel that they have few skills, here to talk about liberal arts students in schools can and should play in the development of skills that can be migrated The modern college students, need to exercise can be migrated skills include: 1. Communication Skills: Effective Listening, drafting articles and reports, to individuals or groups illustrate the importance of your point of view, the negotiations deal with controversy. 2. solve problems or critical thinking skills: analytical thinking, abstract thinking, in order to examine the broad vision problems, define a problem, identify the problem with a different solution, create a different response to the problem, to persuade others to groups to act in the best interests prevail. 3. interpersonal skills: talking with colleagues, knowing that others, to help people solve problems, communicate ideas effectively, collaborate with others to solve problems and complete the task, with diverse groups to work well, professors or training others. 4. Organizational Skills: assessment of needs, planning and scheduling presentations or social events, project design, coordination of activities, licensing, project evaluation, management of project implementation. 5. Research skills: computer database searches or printed reference materials, discovery and formation theme, analyze data, to data classification, to deal with specific matters, survey questions, recording data, writing term papers report back. School, work and social life needs, may mean that you leave things the night before, or forgot to hand important task. Good time management can help you to play with your busy life. You do not need your grades suffer, all the hard work go to waste, because you let some slip through the net. Step 1: Get your schedule helicopter view In your academic planners to: 1. assignment deadlines and other assessments due 2. Date of Examination 3. need to participate in social functions, such as a family birthday or regular sporting events. Step 2: Create a master to do list The best you can do one of the things you need to do is to list all the things. Writing things down and get them out of your head and onto the paper’s behavior to reduce your stress, so you know exactly what you need to do. Step 3: Weekly Use Plan Plan your work and work your plan, you avoid the trap of last minute cramming sessions and nervous the night before the job to write-ups. Time management for students, this is a win-win situation, because you 1. to reduce your stress, 2. Improve the quality of your learning, 3. to improve your score! Step 4: Improve your learning skills Effective learning is not an all-night cram session the day before the exam. Nor is it his desk 12 hours straight! One of the important time management skills for students to plan and manage new information. This involves up to date with your reading and learning experience is a positive contributor. Achievement of a part can be connected with the fact that the knowledge of the larger model, and then communicated to their own words.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Weathering Defined and Explained
Weathering Defined and Explained Weathering is the gradual destruction of rock under surface conditions, dissolving it, wearing it away or breaking it down into progressively smaller pieces. Think of the Grand Canyon or the red rock formations scattered across the American Southwest. It may involve physical processes, called mechanical weathering, or chemical activity, called chemical weathering. Some geologists also include the actions of living things, or organic weathering. These organic weathering forces can be classified as mechanical or chemical or a combination of both. Mechanical Weathering Mechanical weathering involves five major processes that physically break rocks down into sediment or particles: abrasion, crystallization of ice, thermal fracture, hydration shattering, and exfoliation. Abrasion occurs from grinding against other rock particles. Crystallization of ice can result in force sufficient enough to fracture rock. Thermal fracture may occur due to significant temperature changes. Hydration the effect of water predominantly affects clay minerals. Exfoliation occurs when rock is unearthed after its formation. Mechanical weathering does not just affect the earth. It can also affect some brick and stone buildings over time. Chemical Weathering Chemical weathering involves the decomposition or decay of rock. This type of weathering doesnt break rocks down but rather alters its chemical composition through carbonation, hydration, oxidation or hydrolysis. Chemical weathering changes the composition of the rock toward surface minerals and mostly affects minerals that were unstable in the first place. For example, water can eventually dissolve limestone. Chemical weathering can occur in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and it is an element of chemical erosion. Organic Weathering Organic weathering is sometimes called bioweathering or biological weathering. It involves factors such as contact with animals- when they dig in the dirt- and plants when their growing roots contact rock. Plant acids can also contribute to the dissolution of rock. Organic weathering isnt a process that stands alone. Its a combination of mechanical weathering factors and chemical weathering factors. The Result of Weathering Weathering can range from a change in color all the way to a complete breakdown of minerals into clay and other surface minerals. It creates deposits of altered and loosened material called residue that is ready to undergo transportation, moving across the earths surface when propelled by water, wind, ice or gravity and thus becoming eroded. Erosion means weathering plus transportation at the same time. Weathering is necessary for erosion, but a rock may weather without undergoing erosion.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Davis Surname Meaning and Origin
Davis Surname Meaning and Origin Davis is the 8th most common surname in America and one of the 100 most common last names in both England and Wales. Surname Origin: Welsh, English Alternate Surname Spellings: Davies (Welsh), David, Davidson, Davison, Daves, Dawson, Dawes, Day, Dakin What Does Davis Mean? Davis is a common patronymic surname with Welsh origins meaning son of David, a given name that means beloved. Fun Facts In the United States, Davis is one of the ten most common surnames. The variant Davies, however, is barely in the top 1,000 most common last names. In Great Britain, this surname popularity is reversed. There, Davies is the 6th most common surname overall, while Davis is the 45th most common surname. Where Do People Named Davis Live? According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Davis surname is most commonly found in the United States, especially in the southern states of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee. It is also a common surname in Australia, the United Kingdom (especially southern England), New Zealand, and Canada. Forebears ranks Davis as the 320th most common surname in the world, with the highest numbers found in Jamaica, Anguilla, and the Bahamas, followed by the U.S., Liberia, and Australia. Famous People with the Surname Davis Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.Miles Davis, influential American jazz artist.Angela Davis, political philosopher and black power activist.Captain Howell Davis, Welsh pirate.Sammy Davis Jr., American entertainer.General Benjamin O. Davis, leader of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II.William Morris Davis, father of American geography. Sources Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, June 1, 2004. Cottle, Basil. The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. (Penguin Reference Books), Paperback, 2nd Edition, Puffin, August 7, 1984. Davis Surname Definition. Forebears, 2012. Hanks, Patrick. A Dictionary of Surnames. Flavia Hodges, Oxford University Press, February 23, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, May 8, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. First Edition, Polish Genealogical Society, June 1, 1993. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Hardcover, Bilingual edition, Avotaynu, May 30, 2005. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Hardcover, Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1991. Smith, Elsdon Coles. American Surnames. 1st Edition, Chilton Book Co, June 1, 1969.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How did the role of woman changed in the Egyptian movies today Research Paper
How did the role of woman changed in the Egyptian movies today compared to the old movies black white movies - Research Paper Example This is achieved through the support filmmakers receive from the government of Egypt. Egypt films possess ethnographic qualities and depict the situation of life in Egypt. Among the Arab countries, Egypt allows more participation of women in the film industries. Family conservatism, religious issues, male chauvinism and inadequate exposure to the film industry constitute some reasons causing Arab women to stay away from the film. While most Arabs viewed actresses as prostitutes, this view held no water in Egypt. Hence, the participation of Egyptian women in the film never created problems. Egyptian women participate in the film as actors, writers, directors, and even producers. Egyptian women participate both in front or behind the camera. The role of women in film continues to evolve from the black and white era to the 21st century. While the films in the past simply portrayed women as females, recent Egyptian films highlight the contemporary life of the Egyptian woman (Khouri, M, 2 010). The woman’s role in the Egyptian society continues to evolve, and filmmakers continue to reflect the changes in the films. The role of women in film continues to evolve from the feminism era during Nasser’s time to tackle fundamental issues facing women in the Egyptian society. 1930s and 1940s This period came immediately after the silent era. Although the picture quality still stood below standard at the time, the films majorly emulated those of old Hollywood. They mainly told stories of high society and low society class members. The films completely ignored the middle class at the time. The women’s role in the films majorly categorized women into two. The two categories included women from rich societies and those from the poor society. The costumes and ornamentation of women in the film connoted the difference in the two types of women. Women from the upper class were portrayed as glamorous and feminine. Meanwhile, men in the films appeared to be fragi le, poor or ultra masculine. The portrayal of gender roles at this time created an avenue to show modernization and class in a melodramatic way (Sakr, N, 2004). The Egyptian films at the time also constituted of the theme of love. The films depicted impossible love due to the disparity in class and social status. Women majorly played the role of the female. All they did in the film was waiting for a man to fight for them. The films advanced female weakness and victimization by choosing male actors with feminine features. Hence although, the character tried to fight for his love, he failed and became a victim. Observing films produced between 1930s and 1940s reveals the fact that male victims in films always possessed soft feminine features. Though indirect the passivity and powerlessness of these men in films further made the woman look weak in the society. The negative portrayal of women in the 30s and 40s film continued as women of the higher class represented or symbolized foreig n occupation. The high class woman also symbolized the monarchy and its corruption at the time. High class women in the Egyptian films always played the role of a socialite; a conniving woman who always seeks more power and wealth. The women in the films often plotted against their husbands and friends in order to achieve the wealth and power. This portrayal represented what the monarchy and colonial governments did to Egypt. The peasant woman, on the other hand, always played a naive peasant girl. A rich man lies to
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16
Personal statement - Essay Example I posses the ability to work well in both independent and team work environments. My work at Travelex has enabled me gain the confidence to deal with people face to face, working with team and managing workloads, this among others are the qualities that will enable me succeed in establishing a PGCE teachers training course in the UK. I am a very social person and enjoy interacting with people and especially students and children. I am an excellent team leader, and always try to lead my team diligently. I find it fulfilling and rewarding working with children and being able to guide them in their growing. I know that the primary teacher teaches across the curriculum and it necessary to be proficient in all areas. I believe that it is not only knowing the subject that is important as a teacher, but also knowing a child’s other needs individually. I have learnt that a teachers approach to a class can have great effects on the ability of the students to learn effectively. I intend on changing the way i teach often in order to maintain interest and focus in the students. Encouraging and praising students who are performing poorly is one of my strategies, this will in turn encourage them and eventually they will be able to achieve their desired goals. I intend on encouraging the use of verbal skills. This is very important for both children and adults and helps in clearer understanding and interpretation of information. I will also concentrate on visiting other schools in order to interact with other teachers. This will help me get more exposure, which will increase my knowledge an d enable me teach new things to my students. My exposure has enabled me acquire good ICT skills, this will enable handle any technical work that would arise in the institution. My outspoken grammar and ability to read well and write in English will help me in my teaching course. English is the major learning language in the UK thus this is an
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 370
Assignment Example My confidence is 4. My experience with LMA has indicated that it can deliver higher oxygen saturation during emergency. A documented failure of the colorimetric carbon dioxide exists. The detector failed to indicate the color change in morbidity obese female patient with a history of schizophrenia, bronchiectasis, and remote burns (Levitan, Vanderbeek, and Kuhfahl 636). Despite the right placement in the trachea, the detector failed considerably to display color change. In my clinical site, uses the End-tidal carbon dioxide detector to maintain the safety of the patients. The method is used in the anesthesia department at my clinical site. The detector measures the carbon dioxide in the expired air to identify the changes in the elimination of the gas from the lungs. The digital numeric and waveform display confirms the concentration of the carbon dioxide. I would attach pulse oximeter and record oxygen saturation, resting heart rate, color, and respiratory rate. The second step would involve removing humidivent and performing tracheal, the attaching manometer. Placing the Passy-Muir Speaking Valve to monitor oxygen saturation, heart rate, color, state and respiratory rate together with measuring passive exhalations would follow. The third step would entail removing the manometer and replace humidivent. Lastly, I would determine the pass/fail in order to take appropriate action I would use the voice tracheostomy tube to enable the patient speak during the ventilation. The complications that may occur include bleeding, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, damage of esophagus, and injury of nerve
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Overview of Steven Pinkers Theories
Overview of Steven Pinkers Theories Introduction and brief biography Steven Pinker is a well-known psychologist who writes, researches and lectures on language and cognition. As well as being an experienced and widely published researcher in the academic field he is also well known to non-scientists for his easily accessible popular science books covering evolutionary psychology and language development. He is arguably responsible for bringing the complex field of cognitive psychology to the layperson and a short analysis of his work and ideas should provide insight into why he is so popular and successful both to academic and lay readers. Steven Pinker is Canadian American, born in 1954 and educated at McGill University and the Ivy League colleges of Cambridge, Massachusetts. His official biography describes him as an experimental psychologist, currently Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family professor in the Department of Psychology (Pinker 2003). He is a teaching as well as research scientist and writes for the academic press and popular press as well as his own books. He credits his interest in science to a teenage present of science books on the mind (Pinker 2004b). In interviews Pinker is often self deprecating, indicating that scientists don’t always choose a specific field due to overwhelming interest, rather due to circumstance and being in the right place at the right time (Pinker 2004b). Despite being an immensely successful author with his most recent book being ranked at number 624 in the bestseller list of[1], he does not seek to either overawe or be condescending to the regular lay reader, instead treating them, in his own words, as an â€Å"old college room mate†and respecting their intelligence (Pinker 2004b). Pinker’s ideas and impact Pinker is often known for his debates with fellow scientists such as Steven Rose in which the nature versus nurture concept is discussed. Pinker is described as the leading spokesman for the view that we are made by nature as well as nurture (Appleyard 2007). Pinker is a firm believer that our genes dictate how we act our lives through the mind being the critical determiner of who survives and passes their genes on to their offspring; whereas Rose believes that all living systems are radically indeterminate and continually construct their own futures (Brockman 1998). One of the reasons for the controversy of Pinker’s ideas is the echoes of Nazism as, by saying that we are a product of our genes, it suggests that some are genetically programmed to be inferior to others. Pinker addresses the idea that humans develop purely based on their experiences in the book The Blank Slate, thus called because of the common belief that the mind is a blank slate and the way a person develops is purely a product of culture and socialisation (Rakoff 2002). He points out that anyone having children can see that they are born with identities and the fact that children are affected by upbringing is not proof of causation, rather being merely correlation. However he is also able to argue the other side, as it were, when he explains that, whilst genes can have something to do with behaviour, the study of behavioural genetics is, in his words, ‘a paradox’ (Pinker 2003). In particular the influence of culture will affect many lifestyle choices, with serious effects on development. He exhorts everyone to ‘try to reach the best point in the range [of temperament and talent]’ (Pinker 2003). He protests that the biology of consciousness offers a bette r explanation for how people ‘work’ than the existence of an, un provable in his view, immortal soul (Pinker 2007a). He suggests that we all develop as a product of our brains, and other people have similar brains so all have a similar capacity. He further develops his view by stating that the soul is in fact the information-processing activity of the brain and that all emotion can be tied to specific neural activity (Pinker 2004a). This is a controversial view as many philosophers and sociologists would not like to believe that our freedom of thought is not in fact freedom at all, rather an automatic response from our genes. One of Pinker’s key ideas is his words / rules account of language in which he suggests that there is a contrast between the regular and irregular inflection of words and this is due to there being 2 distinct computational mechanisms for the processing of these words (Berent, Pinker Shimron 2002). He set this out in his oft cited[2] piece entitled Rules of Language published in 1991 in the journal Science (Pinker 1991). The language processing of the brain was described as modular and independent of real-world meaning suggesting a genetic basis to the development of language, presumably because logically language would only be processed in connection with the meaning of that language. Pinker has more recently written about human nature in a wider context than language. One such example is where he explains that romantic love has a paradoxical logic, where in fact there is not a neat matching of mates according to the rules of shopping – eg matching purely on the grounds of features and quality (Pinker 2008). He also commends other people on their influence, with one such account being his 2007 commendation of Paul Allen’s contribution to the scientific world (Pinker 2007b). An individual must be well respected and influential in his own right to be asked to comment upon the influence of others. However he has been subject to controversy, with people suggesting that his book The Blank Slate denies the existence of sex discrimination. However he defends his position, indicating that he has merely shown empirical evidence about the differences in talents, temperaments and life priorities between men and women (Pinker 2006). He describes how he lost sleep over the gender chapter yet also points out that in the first 2 years post publication no one had any problem with that chapter (Quixote 2006). It was only later that Pinker’s work was used out of context by Larry Summers, then president of Harvard University, who said that innate [genetic] differences were the reason why fewer women succeeded in maths and science (Bombardieri 2005). Thus the message of the book reached a greater audience, but the audience misconstrued what had been said originally. He often has to defend his work, or clarify it to others who misinterpret e.g. (Pinker, Ullman 2003, Pinker, Ullman 2002) and the much longer opinion article (Pinker, Ullman 2002). No doubt, though, if a researcher or author has to defend their work it means that others are noting what they say enough to criticise, and then publishers care enough to seek the rejoinders. It is possible to obtain impact factor trend graphs for published articles. This provides an indication of the journal’s relative impact, thus the consequent impact that the article within that journal may have. Analysis of the 3 most cited articles from Pinker provides the data for table 1 below. Obviously the most cited articles are older but the journals in which the articles are published have high impact. Table 1 An analysis of the journal impact and number of times cited for the 3 most popular Pinker articles[3] In a profile published last year the Sunday Times refer to Pinker’s ideas as ‘incendiary’ and describe him as a global science celebrity (Appleyard 2007). Despite the possible Nazism connotations that could be attributed to his ideas, there is also a clear logic to the brain containing the blueprint to our development. If there are genes that decide our hair colour and skin colour then why not other features? No one would deny that genetic malfunctions such as occur in Downs Syndrome clearly show the effect that defective genes can have from birth. Why should only defective genes be influential? Pinker says that it hard to judge his own influence, but that more people of more cultures and races are [now] open to the idea that biology can have some answers to human life and its workings (Quixote 2006). He also suggested the topic for the annual question for The Edge Foundation for 2006 as ‘My Dangerous Idea’. His account of his 2005 includes instances such as the Summers’ speech mentioned above, as well as other research which endeavoured to show that race and intelligence do not exist. The lasting influence of these ideas (and his own work and reputation) is that people perceive Pinker as propounding dangerous ideas that fuel bigotry (Brockman 2006). However bigotry isn’t created by the influence of one scientist. Pinker’s work may be used as evidence to support existing bigotry but support is not the same as initiation. References Appleyard, B. 2007, Steven Pinker knows what’s going on inside your head, October 14th 2007, The Times, London. Berent, I., Pinker, S. Shimron, J. 2002, The nature of regularity and irregularity: evidence from Hebrew nominal inflection, Journal of psycholinguistic research, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 459-502. Bombardieri, M. 2005, Summers remarks on women draw fire, January 17th 2005 edn, Boston Globe, Boston. Brockman, J. 2006, 01/01/2006-last update, Edge: The World Question Centre 2006 [Homepage of The Edge], [Online]. Available: [accessed 30/10/2008] . Brockman, J. 1998, 25/03/1998-last update, Edge: PINKER VS. ROSE-A DEBATE (PART I) [Homepage of The Edge], [Online]. Available: [accessed 30/10/2008] . Pinker, S. 2003, , Steven Pinker About- long biography [Homepage of Harvard University], [Online]. Available: [accessed 30/10/2008] . Pinker, S. 2008, Crazy love, Time, vol. 171, no. 4, pp. 82-83. Pinker, S. 2007a, The mystery of consciousness, Time, vol. 169, no. 5, pp. 58-62, 65-6, 69-70. Pinker, S. 2007b, Time 100 scientists thinkers. Paul Allen, Time, vol. 169, no. 20, pp. 112. Pinker, S. 2006, The gender debate: science promises an honest investigation of the world, Nature, vol. 442, no. 7102, pp. 510. Pinker, S. 2004a, How to think about the mind, Newsweek, vol. 144, no. 13, pp. 78. Pinker, S. 2004b, Steven Pinker, Current biology : CB, vol. 14, no. 21, pp. R909. Pinker, S. 2003, Are your genes to blame?, Time, vol. 161, no. 3, pp. 98-100. Pinker, S. Bloom, P. 1990, Natural-Language and Natural-Selection, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 707-726. Pinker, S. Prince, A. 1988, On Language and Connectionism Analysis of a Parallel Distributed-Processing Model of Language-Acquisition, Cognition, vol. 28, no. 1-2, pp. 73-193. Pinker, S. Ullman, M. 2002, Combination and structure, not gradedness, is the issue, Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 472-474. Pinker, S. Ullman, M.T. 2003, Beyond one model per phenomenon, Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 108-109. Pinker, S. Ullman, M.T. 2002, The past and future of the past tense, Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 456-463. Pinker, S. 1991, Rules of Language, Science, vol. 253, no. 5019, pp. 530-535. Quixote, D. 2006, July 4th 2006-last update, 10 questions for Steven Pinker [Homepage of Gene Expression], [Online]. Available: [accessed 30/10/2008] . Rakoff, D. 2002, Questions For Steven Pinker, 15th September 2002, The New York Times, Ney York. Tarr, M.J. Pinker, S. 1989, Mental Rotation and Orientation-Dependence in Shape-Recognition, Cognitive psychology, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 233-282. 1 [1] Data obtained from at 09:20 on 30/10/2008 [2] 318 citations as at 30/10/2008. Data from ISI Web of Knowledge [3] Citation information obtain from ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation reports for social science journals on 30th October 2008 available at
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